
Household Travel Surveys: Informing 运输 Planners on Future Needs


趣赢平台’s research experts in household travel and travel behavior have conducted travel surveys for decades for federal, 状态, 以及地方政府机构, providing innovative approaches to recruiting household respondents; maintaining their engagement over time; and collecting, 分析, 并报告结果数据. Household travel surveys are integral tools for planning a region’s future transportation infrastructure and are critical for planners and engineers to assess current needs, 预测未来需求, 并建立基础设施来满足这些需求. 这些调查关注的是人们的旅行行为, 包括准确的时间, 原因, 以及出行方式——是否开车, 随意组合, 使用公共交通工具, 或其他. They also answer questions on how people are traveling (regardless of mode), 他们的人口特征, 以及旅行模式. 最终, the knowledge gleaned from the surveys is intended to facilitate stakeholders in developing plans for transportation improvements, 新住房, 就业增长.

Our travel survey experts use a multimodal data collection plan involving its customized smartphone app and web-based survey with phone support to accommodate small- to large-scale surveys ranging in complexity, 杰里米·威廉说, M.C.R.P., a 趣赢平台 Senior Research Associate: “Our specially designed system integrates data from our smartphone app, 电话调查, 以及网络调查, eliminating the need to harmonize the data across platforms and providing the highest quality data possible. 我们还开发了有效评估的工具, 清洁, and visualize the data so clients can conduct analysis at their convenience.”

Because these surveys require each household member to document when and where they travel, 每次旅行的目的, 停止的位置, 到达和离开时间, 以及24小时内的出行方式, recruiting and retaining respondents can be challenging, 杰西·卡萨斯说, 趣赢平台首席研究员.


“在今天的环境中, people are reluctant to participate for various 原因: They are busy, 一些人对政府调查持不赞成态度, others are fearful of a data breach or believe their participation doesn’t matter,” Mr. 卡萨斯说. “We have been able to ease respondents’ concerns by explaining that the data are anonymized and that our smartphone app, 利用地图路线和GPS技术, is an efficient way to report their trips and allows required information to be securely and automatically transmitted. 通过这种方式,我们能够最大限度地提高响应率.”

趣赢平台’s expertise in administering household travel surveys is unique on multiple levels, 先生说. Wilhelm: “We deliver quality data because of our extensive experience, 创新技术, 还有一支才华横溢、团结一致的专业团队. 我们的调查方法和统计专家, 人为因素, 仪表工程, 技术评估, and geospatial analysis have worked together for nearly 2 decades, 这说明了我们团队的凝聚力和一致性. +, we can rapidly pivot to respond to altered or added tasks and leverage other subject matter experts from across the company.”

虽然大流行导致旅行调查暂停, requests to examine what may be the new normal in travel behavior are on the upswing, 先生说. Casas: “Clients want to know about new and emerging forms of mobility, 比如电动自行车, 摩托车, 汽车以及Lyft和优步的使用. And they continue to look for ways to reduce congestion and pollution, 节约燃料, 提高他们所在地区的安全和生产力.”

趣赢平台 is now in the design phase of a Colorado 状态wide household travel survey that will involve 20,000户家庭, and it is wrapping up a 3-region household travel survey in Texas. It is also launching a survey among 4,800 households in the Piedmont-Triad region of North Carolina.

很明显,在全国范围内, 规划者和政策制定者需要准确, 响应, and current data to address changing transportation demands. 趣赢平台’s deep bench of expertise in household travel surveys and the high-quality reliable data they produce, squarely meet these planning and forecasting challenges. 





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